PS Brad Pitt recently had a facelift.

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I recently went for a consultation for laser resurfacing and the surgeon began the chat by talking about how a facelift would benefit me. I was totally taken aback but afterwards I began to think about it and decided that yes, if I could afford it, I would absolutely like a facelift. I don’t really want to look younger, I think that’s very difficult to achieve, but I resent looking in the mirror and not seeing me anymore. Part of that is the result of a premature menopause and not having skin-plumping oestrogen for 15 years now, when, in normal circumstances, the menopause would just be beginning. I feel cheated out of a decade’s benefits of hormones. I first got tweakments when I was in the thick of horrible menopause symptoms, I was helping to care for my dad who had dementia and cancer, and I was having health issues. Those tweakments gave me such a lift in the midst of what was a very dark time and it honestly came down to seeing myself in the mirror again rather than a cross-looking, haggard stranger. So if I win the Lotto, a facelift it is!

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Fantastic piece Lia! Totally feel this way at the moment too !!

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