How to Fall Apart by Liadán Hynes
How To Fall Apart
Holly Carpenter on depression

Holly Carpenter on depression

Liadan talks to Holly Carpenter about her depression, about retreating from life when you’re struggling, how friends can help in those moments, toxic positivity on social media, the effect of modelling on her body image, and finding it hard to reach out when you’re struggling.

Tw- this conversation covers eating disorders

How to Fall Apart by Liadán Hynes
How To Fall Apart
When Liadan Hynes’ marriage fell apart someone told her that things might never be ok again, this is a podcast that sets out to disprove that. A podcast about picking up pieces, where she talks to people about how they coped or didn’t cope when life went off the rails. About the things that helped them put it all back together. And about the fact that we are all dealing with the same things, so sharing is caring, as her four year old daughter tells her.