How to Fall Apart by Liadán Hynes
How To Fall Apart
Doireann Ní Ghríofa on putting herself on the page

Doireann Ní Ghríofa on putting herself on the page

Episode one of our latest series of How to Fall Apart - the putting herself on the page series

This series was inspired by a conversation Liadan had with writer Doireann Ní Ghríofa, in which Doireann talked about being asked of her book A Ghost in the Throat, it is very exposing, to write about yourself so honestly, how does hat feel? Doireann explained how she feels that in asking that, what people really mean is are you ashamed, to be be seen so fully on the page. To present such an honest version of the messiness of life. She also talked about writing parts of her own life, her own experience, that she had not seen elsewhere on the page.  

The two ideas, the experience of writing about yourself, and the recording of parts of your life that you don’t necessarily see elsewhere, will be what we explore in this series, as well as telling the story of each writer.

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How to Fall Apart by Liadán Hynes
How To Fall Apart
When Liadan Hynes’ marriage fell apart someone told her that things might never be ok again, this is a podcast that sets out to disprove that. A podcast about picking up pieces, where she talks to people about how they coped or didn’t cope when life went off the rails. About the things that helped them put it all back together. And about the fact that we are all dealing with the same things, so sharing is caring, as her four year old daughter tells her.